In a shocking incident, a Zomato delivery executive was thrashed by a woman in the middle of the road. The video opens with the woman repeatedly beating the delivery partner with her shoes. As per the text attached to the clip, the delivery boy was “crying and terrified” that he would lose his job. The text read, “Hi Zomato care Zomato, the delivery executive got assaulted while delivering my order (#4267443050). Some woman took the order from him and started hitting him with her footwear. He came to my place crying and terrified that he would lose his job.” The clip was shared by the person, whose order was taken by the woman in question
Hi @zomatocare @zomato, the delivery executive got assaulted while delivering my order (#4267443050). Some woman took the order from him and started hitting him with her footwear. He came to my place crying and terrified that he would lose his job.
— dj (@bogas04) August 15, 2022
In a follow-up tweet, the person said that he tried getting in touch with the customer support team at Zomato but “they weren't able to understand and weren't helpful.”
Luckily bystanders recorded the incident on video, though at the moment he hasn't received one with audio. Should probably get it by tomorrow. I tried calling customer care but they weren't able to understand and weren't helpful. — dj (@bogas04) August 15, 2022
And, when the person said that he doesn’t care about the order wants justice for the delivery man, the customer care support said “tell the rider to contact rider support.”
“He tried that but they didn't understand Kannada, and of course, he was scared to lose his job,” he added.
I told them that "I don't care about the order, your partner got assaulted, please help him", but they asked me to tell rider to contact rider support.
He tried that but they didn't understand Kannada, and of course, he was scared to lose his job.
— dj (@bogas04) August 15, 2022
The person added, “I am tweeting so that the DE gets justice and job security. I asked the customer representative to connect me with their superior to explain it better. Please look into this urgently and help him.”
I'm tweeting so that the DE gets justice and job security. I asked the customer representative to connect me with their superior to explain it better. Please look into this urgently and help him. Looking forward to explain further on call. — dj (@bogas04) August 15, 2022
The food delivery company acknowledged the Twitter thread and said, “Hi there, thanks for sharing this. We are getting this checked.”
Hi there, thanks for sharing this. We are getting this checked.
— zomato care (@zomatocare) August 16, 2022
The post has garnered a mixed response from social media users, who claimed that how such incidents go unreported. Many made a boycott call for Zomato if the company doesn’t take action against it. One user wrote, “Let’s boycott Zomato until it takes some action and protects their delivery partners. These are boys who deliver my food too. Can’t imagine them getting harassed like this, irrespective of any gender.”
Lets boycott zomato until it takes some action and protect their delivery partners. These are boys who deliver my food too. Cant imagine them to get harassed like this,irrespective of any gender. — Hari sudhan (@harisudhan51) August 23, 2022
Several others asked all not to jump to a conclusion, as there is no audio in the video, making it unclear to learn the reason behind the incident.
A user commented, “Why would you post something without audio and claim injustice? I am not saying she was right, but we need to know the context. In the clip, he seems to be apologetic, who knows what he said/did? Post with the audio and then people can decide.”
Why would you post something without audio and claim injustice? I am not saying she was right, but we need to know the context. In the clip, he seems to be apologetic, who knows what he said/did? Post with the audio and then people can decide.
— Yuva (@yuvaraj_80) August 24, 2022
“Please do help him” stated a few on the social media platform.
Please do help him. You can not get away assaulting some one and get away with his food. That is thuggish. Even in case he misbehaved make complaints to his company, police and public standing by. Don't take law in to your own hands. Zomatoe do something. These are poor guys. — RMP Jawahar (@JawaharRMP) August 24, 2022
What do you have to say about the incident?
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