Friday, 22 October 2021

Answer key for SSC SI Delhi Police 2019 Paper II released; check details at

The answer key for Paper II of the Staff Selection Commission Sub Inspector exam (SSC SI) in Delhi Police, 2019 has been released. Candidates, who had appeared for Paper II, can check and download the answer key by visiting the official website The commission has also released the answer key for Paper II of CAPFs and Assistant Sub-Inspectors in CISF.

Steps to download the SSC SI answer key are as follows:

- Visit the official website of SSC,

- Open the ‘SSC SI in Delhi Police 2019 Answer Key’ link available on the homepage

- Within a few seconds, a PDF document will open in which the answer key link is given

- Open the link and check the answer key and download it. Keep a printout of the SI answer key

The Staff Selection Commission has stated in the official notice that along with the final answer keys, SSC has also released the question papers of Sub-Inspectors in Delhi Police, CAPFs, and Assistant Sub-Inspectors in CISF Paper II on the official website.

Candidates have been advised to take a printout of their respective question papers and also a printout of their final answer key. The downloading of the answer key and question papers are available till 20 November up to 6.00 pm.

An important point for candidates in the notice is that the facility to download the response sheets will not be provided beyond the one-month period mentioned in the notice. Hence, applicants are advised to take a printout within the given time.

The Paper I exam for SSC SI 2019 was conducted between 9 December and 13 December, 2019, whereas Paper II was held on 26 July this year. The SSC had declared the result for Paper II on 3 September.

Keywords: SSC SI Delhi Police CAPF and ASI CISF, Staff Selection Commission, SSC SI Delhi Police 2019, SSC 2019, SSC 2021, SSC SI 2021

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