Thursday 22 July 2021

Left spin | 5 myths about Communism and socialism that Millennials and Gen Z are being fed

While young MBAs worldwide racked their brains over how to sell to Millennials and Gen Z, two grey-headed men in their seventies did it effortlessly. Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn were not selling some cool gizmo or game, but two most widely discredited credos of the last century: Communism and socialism.

These gents were helped by a silent, insidious ally that had spread its tentacles across campuses and newsrooms in the West: The Communist Party of China (CCP).

In part 2 of this three-part series on Communism and youngsters, I dwelt on surreptitious Chinese funding of western media and academia, and cunning packaging of its toxic ideology among the young.

And the young in the US and the UK were just ripe for the brainwash.

This American generation is the most highly decorated one in history, with the most degrees and share of graduates. But successive economic slowdowns, the 2008 financial crisis triggered by extreme corporate greed and systemic dishonesty, and looming unemployment also make it the most insecure and angry.

They have seen the most depraved white-collar criminals get away without punishment. They have seen falling wages, rising student debt. In the UK, they have helplessly seen tuition fees soar despite protests, but jobs dry up.

It is for them that Sanders and Corbyn dusted out an old trick from their bags: showing them the Marxist chimera of equal wealth distribution. They prodded this generation to demand endlessly suckling on state benefits, without a clue where the money will come from in a polity that punishes big business.

Sanders, Corbyn, and their ideological masters China have successfully planted five myths about socialism and Communism in the minds of the impressionable.

First myth: Communism changes an unjust world

It does. For worse. What can be more unjust than people — underdogs like workers and farm labourers that Communism claims to champion — not being allowed to vote? From Cuba to Venezuela to the former Soviet Union, Communist regimes have kept the people poor and created a rich overclass. When Romania’s Communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu fell, for instance, billion-dollar deposits were found in his wife’s overseas accounts along with meat scales made of gold and other such startling luxuries from their home. North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un is believed to be worth between $5-7 billion, money tucked away under false names in countries like Austria, Switzerland, Russia, and Liechtenstein.

Second myth: Socialism works great in Nordic nations

Yes, only if you don’t know the difference between socialism and a welfare state. Nordic socialism is a well-manicured myth.

Nordic countries have free market systems; not socialist government-controlled economies. Their high taxes lead to lavish social benefits. The Nordic nations were capitalist economic successes well before they built welfare states.

Their governments do not interfere in business. None of these countries have a minimum wage, for instance.

Third myth: Communism loves minorities, queers

The Soviet Union employed the harshest measures to curb Islamist extremism, including putting criminal responsibility on the accused’s families as well.

Modern China has put more than one million Uighur Muslims in detention camps where they are taught that Islam is a mental illness. It has outlawed 30 Islamic names, long beards, Ramzan fasts. Han Chinese men stay with families and often sleep with wives of incarcerated Uighur men.

Communist icon Fidel Castro and Che Guevara’s loathing of homosexuals is well-documented. I mentioned it in the first part of this series.

Fourth myth: Communism treats its dissenters well

Mao Tse Tung, Joseph Stalin, Vladimir Lenin, Pol Pot, and other Leftist autocrats have killed several millions of their own people who did not take kindly to their ideas and ideology. Artificial famines were inflicted, ruthless firing squads were deployed, dissenters were killed in freezing gulags and sun-washed crop fields.

Stalin’s killers hunted down a towering intellectual like Leon Trotksy and gored him to death with an ice axe while he was in exile in Mexico City. He had merely suggested certain democratic reforms to Stalin’s iron-clad Marxism.

Fifth myth: Communism is a non-violent ideology

Given the number of mass murderers like Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot that Leftism has produced, this one is a dark joke. But today’s ‘wokes’ buy it unquestioningly.

One needs to just peek into the one or two states that Communists ruled back home in India. Political murders are rampant in Kerala and Bengal. During Bengal’s red days, a spate of state-backed massacres like Marichjhapi, Ananda Margi, and Nandigram happened. At Sainbari in 1970, the Communist cadre butchered two Congress activists and reportedly forced their mother to eat rice with her sons’ blood. Such is the Leftist compassion and politics of love.

Marketers of this ideology are invisibly at work in our media and academia. They are masterful at their craft. Their main prey is the young. Their aim is to destabilise and topple democracies through righteous-looking anarchy.

Are we speaking enough with our young? Are we telling them the truth about the Left in this information war? If we cherish our democracy and freedom, that time is now.

This is the last in a three-part series on Communism and how it is sold to Millennials and Gen Z. This is the second of a three-part series on the truth of Communism and socialism, as these are sold to Gen Z and millennials. To read the first part, click here and for the second part, click here

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