Friday, 28 May 2021

World No Tobacco Day 2021: Theme this year is ‘quit tobacco to be a winner’

What is World No Tobacco Day

The World No Tobacco Day is observed every year on 31 May to make tobacco users aware of the opportunity to lead a healthier life. The aim of this day is to spread awareness about the dangers of using tobacco and how health problems can be tackled by doctors when one quits smoking.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), "When the news came out that smokers were more likely to develop severe disease with COVID-19 compared to non-smokers, it triggered millions of smokers to want to quit tobacco.”

When was World No Tobacco Day first celebrated?

In 1987, the Member States of the World Health Organisation created World No Tobacco Day to draw its attention towards the tobacco epidemic. They also wanted to focus on the preventable death and disease tobacco causes.

It was in 1987 when the World Health Assembly passed the Resolution WHA 40.38 and picked 7 April 1988 to be "a world no-smoking day."

Later on, in 1988, a new Resolution WHA 42.19 was passed for all health and community workers to help people quit tobacco. The Assembly then further marked World No Tobacco Day on 31 May to be celebrated annually across the globe.

What is the aim of No Tobacco Day?

This year the day informs the public on the dangers of using tobacco and what people around the world can do to claim their right to a healthy living.

How do we celebrate World No Tobacco Day?

This year, the theme is ‘Quit tobacco to be a winner’. Around the world, there are several campaigns on social media, where people post ideas and tips to help others quit smoking using #CommitToQuit. This hashtag is sure to inspire the masses and to refrain from tobacco intake.

from Firstpost India Latest News

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