Wednesday, 10 March 2021

UKSSSC Forest Guard result 2021 released: Download merit list PDF for physical test

The results of the Forest Guard recruitment exam 2018 have been declared by the Uttarakhand Subordinate Service Selection Commission (UKSSSC) on their official website The merit list has been prepared for those candidates who have qualified the UKSSSC Forest Guard 2018 written exam and will now be appearing for the physical fitness test.

The candidates can take the following steps to check their results:
Step 1: Visit the website
Step 2: On the homepage, find the option with the results of Van Arakshi (Forest Guard) with postcode 102. Click on it
Step 3: A file with the names, roll numbers and other details of the candidates selected for the physical fitness test will open. Press Ctrl+F and type your name to find it in the result file
Step 4: Download the provisional merit list
Step 5: Take a print out of the provisional merit list and keep it safely for future reference

Almost, 2,326 candidates have been selected for the physical test. Out of which, 1,211 candidates are in the general merit list while 398 candidates in the OBC merit list. 577 candidates are in the ST merit list and 140 in the SC list.

The date and timings for the UKSSSC Forest Guard 2018 physical test will soon be released by the commission on its website. A two-fold selection process (including written exam and interview) will finally shortlist candidates for as many as 1,218 vacancies.

The exam was held on 16 February, 2020 and a re-exam was conducted on 14 February, 2021. According to reports, the written exam was of 100 marks and its duration was two hours. There was a negative marking of 0.25 mark for incorrect responses.

from Firstpost India Latest News

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