Friday, 18 September 2020

SBI SO Recruitment 2020: Bank announces vacancies for 92 posts; visit for details

State Bank of India (SBI) on Friday released notifications to fill 92 vacancies for various specialist cadre officer posts. Candidates who are interested and eligible can apply online at The online application process commences on 18 September and will continue through till 8 October.

Posts for which applications have been sought include manager, deputy manager, data trainer, data translator, senior consultant analyst, assistant general manager, data protection officer and risk specialist.

Here are the vacancy details:
- 11 posts for deputy manager (security) (backlog)
- 17 posts for deputy manager (security) (current)
- 5 posts each for manager (retail products), two-years post doctoral fellowship, deputy manager (system officer), risk specialist-sector (scale-III), risk specialist-sector (scale-II)
- 1 post each for data trainer, data translator, senior consultant analyst, assistant general manager (enterprise and technology architecture), data protection officer, risk specialist-enterprise (scale-II)
- 11 posts each for deputy manager (data scientist), manager (data scientist)
- 3 posts for portfolio management specialist (scale-II)
- 2 posts each for risk specialist-credit (scale-III), risk specialist-credit (scale-II)
- 4 posts for risk specialist-IND AS (scale-III)

The selection of candidates for the above 92 vaccacines will be based on shortlisting and interview. The shortlisting committee constituted by the bank will decide the shortlisting parameters, followed by which an adequate number of candidates, as decided by the bank will be called for interview.

The interview itself will be of 100 marks and the qualifying marks will be decided by the bank.

As per the official notification, the process of registration will only be considered complete when the fee is deposited, wherever applicable, with the bank through online mode on or before the last date for payment of fee.

Candidates are required to upload all required documents (age, educational qualification, experience, etc) failing which their candidature will not be considered for shortlisting/ interview.

Here are the official notifications for the vacancies:
Notification 1

Notification 2

Notification 3

Notification 4

Notification 5

Notification 6

from Firstpost India Latest News

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